Made by Pixelmatters’ Engineering Team 💙🧡

<aside> 📌 This is a standard template we use for postmortem at Pixelmatters. Feel free to use it for your own.


Basic Information

✍️ Write a brief summary of the incident, including what happened, why it occurred, the severity of the incident, and how long it lasted.

<aside> 👉 Example: On Monday, April 11th, 2016, a bug was found in the staging environment of website X during a pre-deploy meeting. This led to the postponement of the deployment until the following day.


What happened?

✍️ Include a brief description of the events that led up to the incident — e.g., previous changes that introduced bugs that had not yet been detected.

Contributing Factors or Root Cause Identification

✍️ Include a description of any conditions that contributed to the issue.